quarta-feira, fevereiro 15, 2006
terça-feira, fevereiro 14, 2006
sexta-feira, fevereiro 10, 2006
Cool hand Luke
Newman's performance in the 1967 film Cool Hand Luke inspired the Newman's Day tradition. In Cool Hand Luke, Newman's character proves his titular "cool" status when he wins a bet that he can he eat 50 hardboiled eggs in the span of an hour. Unsurprisingly, Princeton students were not thrilled by the prospect of a day devoted to eating hardboiled eggs from dawn to dusk, so they liberally adapted this feat to the much more appealing challenge of consuming massive amounts of beer, following another Newman’s acts (great line!), “24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence? I think not.”
Night of a 1000 Stevies
I just couldn’t believe what my eyes were witnessing; one thousand freaks dressed like Stevie Nicks recreating her gypsy deep American clothing style. For the ones that don’t remember, she was one of the female singers of Fleetwood Mac back in the 70s and probably the most responsible for the major hits of the band at the time. Click here if you’re really gutsy! Rhiaaaannnnonnnnn.
Musical Boxes
Just leaving to Brussels this weekend to see this tribute band, they cover the Genesis experience in an overwhelming assortment of sound and images, not letting anyone disappointed after the show; after all, we waited 30 years to see this.
Hope you all have a nice weekend.
Falamos Português : On parle Français : Hablamos Español : Wir sprechen Deutsch
quarta-feira, fevereiro 08, 2006
That's life
And have you ever wanted something so badly that it possessed your body and your soul through the night and through the day until you finally get it!
And then you realise that it wasn't what you wanted after all.
And then those selfsame sickly little thoughts now go and attach themselves to something... or somebody... new!
And the whole goddamn thing starts all over again…
Well, I've been crushing the symptoms but I can't locate the cause.
Could God really be so cruel?
To give us feelings that could never be fulfilled.
Baby!, I've got my sights set on you. I've got my sight set on you.
And someday, someday, someday, you'll come my way.
But when you put your arms around me,
I'll be looking over your shoulder for something new.
'Cause I ain't ever found peace upon the breast of a girl,
I ain't ever found peace with the religion of the world,
I ain't ever found peace at the bottom of a glass,
Sometimes it seems the more I ask for the less I receive,
Sometimes it seems the more I ask for the less I receive,
The only true freedom is freedom from the heart's desires,
And the only true happiness… this way lies.
Matt Johnson 1992
quinta-feira, fevereiro 02, 2006
Les mecs à Brugge
Les mecs, ils arrivent.
We made it to the train station and hopped in the 5 o’clock train, an old friend of mine who brought me from Switzerland twice, le EC90 “Vauban”. After 4 painful hours of train, including a 10 minutes break in the dodgy train station in Brussels, we finally arrived in Brugge.
At this point, the guyz decided to be really lazy and looking at the map before they were completely lost, so we strolled around the city inadvertently, saw some canals and boats, whistling three different melodies, composing an original modern Flemish nightmarish cacophony. (My melodies were quite national; some of you might recognize them: O Homem das Castanhas, Os Putos, Barcos Negros,...)
Les mecs, ils survivrent.
I always travel with a purpose, a borderline perfectly drawn - although the way to get there is not - and this weekend it was the sea. I never had been before the North Sea and, as unattractive as it might seem in January, I was eager to see some water in the horizon and have some sand in my feet. What a hangover… the honey at breakfast were not enough to heal our punished livers, the seaside breeze was certainly more effective.
At this point, the guyz decided to finally see some sights in Brugge. Of course, the stairs in one of the main square’s buildings fit perfectly the definition of sightseeing and a nap in the sun can be warm even in these latitudes. After that, there was just one thing left to do: buy some chocolate and sleep.
Les mecs, ils boivent, ils boivent, ils boivent, ils boivent
I supposed that anybody would do the same, c’mon, it was a bar with 300 different beers, we definitely have to go back there, I think the guyz only had like 5 or 9 or 13 so… that’s really worth a trip back.
The hostel we had reserved deserves completely the fame of being the funkiest place in town; the reception is in the bar and breakfast is served there as well. We really thought that we were heading to a quite and peaceful night of sleep, but that’s not allowed in that hostel, the bar turns into a kind of disco and it is for sure one of the most crowded places around, people from all over the world; we even met an hair-waving Eskimo!
Les mecs, ils rient
It wasn’t planned but the guyz thought it would be nice to stroll around Ghent a bit, just enough to look at three towers in the medieval centre, to find an interesting graffiti alley and to look to one of the most ancient paintings there’s record of. For free, quite a bargain.
The laughter you observe in this picture isn’t about the city, was not motivated by pure and spontaneous happiness nor naturally offered to the Belgians passing by. The guy who took us the picture thought it would be much entertaining to press first on the on/off button so, while we were waiting with our grey grins for the flash to come, the lens just shrunk like if it was hiding from the cold. He probably did it on purpose when he saw us with the tired, hangover and bored faces.
The simple things are the best ones to remember. And laugh about.
NEW: falamos Português; on parle Français; hablamos Español; wir sprechen Deutsch
quarta-feira, fevereiro 01, 2006
Pequeno apontamento matemático, ou existencial
Em primeiro lugar, agradeço a todos os que por aqui passaram e me deixaram um comentáriozinho (incluindo os moços do bordel, entretanto devidamente identificados...), aos outros que, preferindo não comentar em público, optaram pelo já costumeiro SMS que fica sempre bem em qualquer ocasião e a todos os demais que pessoalmente, ou não sucumbindo à onda de poupança, me ligaram para o telemóvel.
No entanto não posso deixar passar um equívoco que, embora não esteja certo das suas motivações, é concerteza motivo de preocupação, não fosse o dito estar a acrescentar-me mais um ano de vida que o que na realidade vivi. Meus caros, trata-se de humildade perante o Tempo, por mais que quisesse de facto estar avançado, não devo sequer conceber que tais periclitantes anseios encontrem um lugar no meu pensamento, o Tempo é soberano, os 29 virão quando vierem, se o leitor me perdoa a redundância, completar 28 anos de vida é começar a rezar esse número como resposta à questão: "idade", começar a viver o vigésimo nono ano de existência não é mais que esperar até que ele se complete para somar um à resposta do ano anterior.
Um grande bem-haja a todos.
NEW: See this post in English