Esparsos e parcos apontamentos

quarta-feira, março 15, 2006

Go Home!


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Tou a ir, tou a irrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Bom fim de semana!

17/3/06 17:47

Anonymous Anónimo said...

Fala, Tiago!

Memanda o tel telefone aí em Portugal, pois estou na Cidade do México e quero conversar contigo.



19/3/06 01:59

Blogger Theo said...

Hey Sweetie,
just to reveal my identity ;)
Have fun cabronzitinho

20/3/06 09:39

Blogger Theo said...

Well, u know what, I will do so in few days, actually il me reste moins que 48 heures.......ohjaaaaa

30/3/06 10:38

Anonymous Anónimo said...

Esse "Home" é Portugal?

Se sim fica a saber que o Governo Português introduziu o método SIMPLEX para simplificar a administração pública.
Se não te recordas do algoritmo, cá vai:
Revised Simplex Method

function solution = rsm (c, A, b, eps1, eps2, eps3, bfs)
% Solves: minimize cx subject to Ax <= b & x >= 0
% m number of rows in A
% n number of columns in A
% B_indices vector of columns in A comprising the solution basis
% V_indices vector of columns in A not in solution basis

[m n] = size(A);
B_indices = find(bfs);
V_indices = find(ones(1,n) - abs(sign(bfs)));

rsm_nnz = zeros(5000,2);

% Simplex method loops continuously until solution is found or discovered
% to be impossible.

while 1==1

% Step 1
% compute B^-1

% Binv inverse of the basis (directly computed)

Binv = inv(A(:,B_indices));

rsm_nnz(iters,1) = nnz(A(:,B_indices));
rsm_nnz(iters,2) = nnz(Binv);

% Step 2
% compute d = B^-1 * b

% d current solution vector

d = Binv * b;

% Step 3/Step 4/Step 5
% compute c_tilde = c_V - c_B * B^-1 * V

% c_tilde modified cost vector

c_tilde = zeros(1,n);
c_tilde(:,V_indices) = c(:,V_indices) - c(:,B_indices) * Binv * A(:,V_indices);

% Step 6
% compute j s.t. c_tilde[j] <= c_tilde[k] for all k in V_indices
% cj minimum cost value (negative) of non-basic columns
% j column in A corresponding to minimum cost value

[cj j]=min(c_tilde);

% Step 7
% if cj >= 0 , then we're done -- return solution which is optimal

if cj >= -eps1
solution = zeros(n,1);
solution(B_indices,:) = d;

% Step 8
% compute w = B^-1 * a[j]

% w relative weight (vector) of column entering the basis

w = Binv * A(:,j);

% Step 9
% compute i s.t. w[i]>0 and d[i]/w[i] is a smallest positive ratio
% swap column j into basis and swap column i out of basis

% mn minimum of d[i]/w[i] when w[i] > 0
% i row corresponding to mn -- determines outgoing column
% k temporary storage variable

mn = inf;

zz = find (w > eps1)' ;
[yy, ii] = min (d(zz) ./ w (zz)) ;
i = zz(ii(1)) ;

if (i == 0)
error ('System is unbounded.');

k = B_indices(i);
B_indices(i) = j;
V_indices(j == V_indices) = k;

% Step 10

end; % while


Que tal um cafézinho?


8/4/06 19:16

Anonymous Anónimo said...

i guess work doesn't kill in the EU? hope that plate is certified...

30/5/06 14:13


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